Spring 2022
Hi all. I’ve been keeping my head down but have had a few nights out in the last month, including our Students’ gig in the Cobblestone pub.
Hoping to get back singing and rehearsing (I’ve been finding it hard to sing to nobody)…. I’ve two little tours coming up April and June and also I have been invited to sing at the annual Johnston’s Festival near where I live in Slane, Co. Meath in May. The Johnston’s were a huge influence on me as a child, and I was honoured to sing with the remaining band in 2011, to celebrate 30 years since lead singer Adrienne Johnston went missing. Details of this year’s festival will be up soon on their facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/johnstonsfolkfest

Updated tour dates here – https://niamhparsons.com/tour-dates/