Spring 2022

Hi all. I’ve been keeping my head down but have had a few nights out in the last month, including our Students’ gig in the Cobblestone pub.

Hoping to get back singing and rehearsing (I’ve been finding it hard to sing to nobody)…. I’ve two little tours coming up April and June and also I have been invited to sing at the annual Johnston’s Festival near where I live in Slane, Co. Meath in May. The Johnston’s were a huge influence on me as a child, and I was honoured to sing with the remaining band in 2011, to celebrate 30 years since lead singer Adrienne Johnston went missing. Details of this year’s festival will be up soon on their facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/johnstonsfolkfest

With Lead singer of the Johnstons, Lucy Johnston 2011

Updated tour dates here – https://niamhparsons.com/tour-dates/

Saturday 23rd October 2021

Delighted to be part of this year’s Patrick O’Keeffe Festival in Castleisland, Co. Kerry.


Saturday 23rd October 2021

Singing Concert

Venue: Hartnett’s Bar

Don Stiffe
Mickey MacConnell
Ella Marie O’Dwyer
Tim Dennehy
Niamh Parsons

Solo@Home on YouTube Droichead Arts Centre

Solo@Home comprises of 8 weeks of videos, curated by singer/songwriter S.J.McArdle in association with Droichead Arts Centre, Drogheda, and LMFM Independent Radio station. The series lineup includes myself, Niamh Regan, Thomas Walsh, Dagogo Hart, Sonny Condell, Oliver Cole, Róisin Ward Morrow and Sean Mathews. I was honoured and delighted to be included and throughout the series there will be 5 songs which I recorded at home – of course – loosely based on the theme ‘Women of the Night’. My songs are included in Episodes 1, 2, 3, 4 – with my final song in Episode 7. Here is the final episode.

Solo@Home comprises of 8 weeks of videos, curated by singer/songwriter S.J.McArdle in association with Droichead Arts Centre, Drogheda, and LMFM Independent Radio station. The series lineup includes myself, Niamh Regan, Thomas Walsh, Dagogo Hart, Sonny Condell, Oliver Cole, Róisin Ward Morrow and Sean Mathews. I was honoured and delighted to be included and throughout the series there will be 5 songs which I recorded at home – of course – loosely based on the theme ‘Women of the Night’. My songs are included in Episodes 1, 2, 3, 4 – with my final song in Episode 7

Solo@Home comprises of 8 weeks of videos, curated by singer/songwriter S.J.McArdle in association with Droichead Arts Centre, Drogheda, and LMFM Independent Radio station. The series lineup includes myself, Niamh Regan, Thomas Walsh, Dagogo Hart, Sonny Condell, Oliver Cole, Róisin Ward Morrow and Sean Mathews. I was honoured and delighted to be included and throughout the series there will be 5 songs which I recorded at home – of course – loosely based on the theme ‘Women of the Night’. Songs included in Episodes 1, 2, 3 and 4 so far.

Episode 6

Episode 5

Episode 4 will be premiered on Sunday 6th June at 11 am – why not put a reminder!


Myself and Graham are very honoured to be part of this fund-raiser organised by Musicians Union of Ireland and SIPTU.

The Gig for Gaza will be available on Monday on the MUSICIANS UNION OF IRELAND Facebook page

https://www.facebook.com/MusiciansUnionofIreland/posts/1525948087736595 and also on the SIPTU Digital YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/siptudigital

If anyone cannot access Facebook, donations can be made on the Middle East Children’s Alliance website https://secure.everyaction.com/AUWs21rKXUW_obajEMyeXA2